Tag Archive for: NGIoT

NGIoT Newsflash #14

The latest issue of the NGIoT Newsflash is now available! In this issue you may find all the latest details on the NGIoT related projects. You may also find information about the last NGIoT event and all the recently published papers.
You may find the Newsflash online here: https://mailchi.mp/07524a94d64f/ngiot-newsflash-mar-23?e=3383e2e9b7

EU-IoT Final Event

The final event of EU-IoT, took place on March 30. The event was based on the achievements of EU-IoT community and the upcoming activities. EU-IoT has been a vital accelerator for the European IoT ecosystem, supporting the development of synergies, fostering strategic coordination among Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT) projects and related initiatives, and promoting the adoption of IoT solutions. As the project comes to a close in March 2023, this event provides an opportunity to reflect on the achievements and lessons learned and explore the future of IoT in Europe.
More information about the agenda, available here: https://www.ngiot.eu/event/eu-iot-final-event-from-iot-to-cloud-edge-iot-continuum-takeaways-and-transition-to-the-new-paradigm/

EU-IoT Final Event: From IoT to Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum – Takeaways and Transition to the New Paradigm

aerOS in NGIoT association

aerOS project is member of the Next Generation Internet of Things – NGIoT ecosystem. You may learn more about NGIoT organisation here: https://www.ngiot.eu/

The Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT) initiative is a growing community of projects and related initiatives at work to maximise the power of IoT made in Europe. NGIoT works to lower the barrier for adoption and development of IoT-empowered solutions, by supporting business models, innovation and skills. In a “network of network” ecosystem, NGIoT consists of ongoing projects and upcoming funding opportunities at work for a human-centric and sustainable digital transition. NGIoT projects are working to achieve H2020 goals while Horizon Europe will bring new opportunities to launch research and innovation projects across Europe and beyond. NGIoT works in close collaboration with related technology networks including cloud, Edge, Artificial Intelligence, 5G telecommunications networks and services, cybersecurity and blockchain. In complex IoT scenarios, people are becoming an essential part of interconnected cyber-physical systems. End users are both benefiting from connected devices and appliances as well as generating data which reinforces the effectiveness of IoT. Europe is leading the way to ensure the development and adoption of trusted and sustainable IoT that in combination with other advanced technologies can drive the digital and green transformation of our society and economy, across areas such as manufacturing, energy, agriculture, smart cities, mobility, retail and health care. The NGIoT is sharing best practices and building a growing and on-the-move ‘network of networks’ for knowledge and technology transfer, at the intersection of different research and innovation communities and industrial-driven initiatives.

IEEE ICUMT 2022 conference

Carlos E. Palau Salvador, from Universitat Politècnica de València, aerOS Project coordinator, presented on October 11th at IEEE ICUMT 2022 conference the NGIoT approach developed in the aerOS Project. More information available here: https://icumt.info/2022/keynotes

ICUMT is an IEEE (Spanish Section) technically co-sponsored (approval pending) premier an annual international congress providing an open forum for researchers, engineers, network planners and service providers targeted, on newly emerging algorithms, systems, standards, services, and applications, bringing together leading international players in telecommunications, control systems, automation and robotics. The event is positioned as a major international annual congress for the presentation of original results achieved from fundamental as well as applied research and engineering works. Following the success of the previous events normally attracting around 100 participants from both academia and industry, ICUMT 2022 is planned as a three-day event offering a number of plenary sessions, technical sessions, and specialized workshops.