Tag Archive for: aerOS

AerOS – Autonomous, Scalable, Trustworthy, Intelligent EU Meta-OS for the IoT edge-cloud continuum

Interested in aerOS project? Then you have to watch the following video by EUCLoudEdgeIoT. The coordination team is briefly presenting all the interesting details.

Find it online here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dItNUpvI2Zc

aerOS Presentation at November’s SME Working Group

During November, Ignacio Lacalle Úbeda from Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) presented the fundamental elements of our project at the SME November’s Working Group.

He had also the chance to present our Open Call!

aerOS Project – Market Analysis Survey

The following survey is carried out by aerOS (Autonomous, scalablE, tRustworthy, intelligent European meta Operating System for the IoT edge-cloud continuum), a European research project (Horizon Europe CL4-2021-DATA-01-05) running for 3 years which aims at transparently utilising the resources on the edge-to-cloud computing continuum for enabling applications in an effective manner while incorporating multiple services. The overarching goal of aerOS is to design and build a virtualised, platform-agnostic meta operating system for the IoT edge-cloud continuum. If you wish to know more, please visit: aeros-project.eu – aerOS project

The questionnaire is functional to the development of the Task 2.1 “State of the Art and Market Analysis”, and it is also aimed at collecting feedbacks on all internal and external factors that may influence the aerOS project during its development and after its conclusion. The result of this questionnaire will flow into Deliverable 2.1, Chapter 4.

This Web-survey is organised on behalf of the aerOS project. The questions in this survey are anonymous. It will not be possible to identify you in any way. Also the final results of this survey, as well as any communication surrounding this survey, will not contain personal data in any identifiable way. All the answers you provide anonymously are saved on the site https://aeros-project.limesurvey.net/461219?lang=en and will be deleted no later than 31.12.2022. (The privacy policy is published on the site aeros-project.limesurvey.net ) After the cancellation of the answers from the site aeros-project.limesurvey.net, only the statistical results of the survey will be kept.

All current privacy legislation is respected and you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure and objection by emailing ad partner DPO or somebody in your organisation that will deal with these issues if you have no DPO.

If you have any further questions regarding privacy and data protection within the aerOS project, contact our Data Protection Officer via DS Tech. Formal complaints about the use of your personal data can be filed with the data protection authority contacts from this list https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_en (choose the one from your country).

Participation in this survey is on a voluntary basis and you may refuse to participate by not completing it. Filling in the questionnaire implies consent to participate in the survey.

You may find it online here:  https://aeros-project.limesurvey.net/461219?lang=en