aerOS 8th Plenary Meeting

The 8th aerOS Plenary Meeting took place on 18 – 20 of June. The sessions were filled with enriching discussions on project tasks, engaging presentations on task issues, parallel technical meetings, and strategic planning for our next milestones. Our project manager shared administrative details, setting the stage for future initiatives. Participants also had the chance to visit our Pilot 2 premises, with special thanks to CloudFerro S.A. for hosting us. A big thank you to all participants and speakers for their incredible insights. We’re excited about what’s next for aerOS!


The IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) 2024 invites researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to submit their original contributions to the workshop titled “Empowering 6G Networks: Workshop on Advancements in Research Infrastructures, Adaptive Frameworks, and Global Architectural Evolution.”

Workshop Scope:

The “Empowering 6G Networks” workshop, to be held at IEEE CAMAD 2024, is dedicated to exploring the vast potential of 6G technology and its impact on the future of communication. This workshop aims to serve as a crucible for innovative ideas, research findings, and discussions that will shape the trajectory of 6G development. The scope of this workshop encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, each pivotal to the realization of 6G’s promise.

At the core of the workshop’s scope is the advancement of research infrastructures. This includes the development of testbeds and simulation environments that mirror the complexity of real-world 6G scenarios. Such infrastructures are essential for validating the theoretical models and practical applications that will underpin 6G networks. They also provide a foundation for cross-disciplinary collaboration, bringing together experts in telecommunications, computer science, electrical engineering, and other fields to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Adaptive frameworks are another critical aspect of the workshop’s focus. As 6G networks will need to be inherently flexible to accommodate a wide range of applications and services, these frameworks will explore how networks can self-organize, heal, and optimize themselves in response to dynamic conditions. This includes the use of AI and machine learning to predict and respond to network demands, as well as the development of algorithms that can dynamically allocate resources in real-time.

The global architectural evolution of networks is also a central theme. The workshop will delve into how 6G networks can be architected to ensure seamless global connectivity, supporting the burgeoning Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous systems, and smart cities. Discussions will cover the integration of terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks, the role of edge computing in reducing latency, and the use of blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies to secure and manage network transactions.

Topics of Interest:

The “Empowering 6G Networks” workshop will focus on the latest advancements in 6G network research infrastructures, adaptive frameworks, and the evolution of global network architecture. This workshop will serve as a platform for discussing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the journey towards realizing the full potential of 6G networks.

Submission Guidelines:

Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work that has not been previously published. Submissions should be formatted according to the IEEE conference template and submitted through the EDAS submission portal. Detailed instructions and submission deadlines will be provided on the IEEE CAMAD 2024 website.

Important Dates:

  • Paper Submission Deadline: 30/6/2024
  • Acceptance Notification: 15/7/2024
  • Camera-Ready Submission: 22/7/2024

Find more information here:

EUCloudEdgeIoT’s Open Continuum CSA Conference

Don’t miss out! The concluding conference of the EUCloudEdgeIoT’s Open Continuum CSA! 🌟
After two years of teamwork and creativity, and the successful hosting of last year’s Consultation and Concertation on Computing Continuum, the Open Continuum consortium eagerly anticipates gathering our EUCloudEdgeIoT Community to celebrate our shared accomplishments.
This event will unite over 50 Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs) along with several Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) for a day of introspection, motivation, and networking.
Stay tuned for further information on the schedule and registration! Meanwhile, mark your calendars and set aside June 18th for this significant occasion.
We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels!

“Meta Operating Systems for The Edge Continuum: Current Status, Trends, and Challenges” Panel Discussion

Vasilis Pitsilis represented aerOS Project at the Panel Discussion “Meta Operating Systems for The Edge Continuum: Current Status, Trends, and Challenges” for MetaOS EU-funded projects with the following participants: , Fulvio Risso (FLUIDOS project), Panagiotis Trakadas (EU Project ICOS), Yiannis Verginadis (NebulOuS), Terpsi Velivassaki (NEMO PROJECT) and Anastasios Zafeiropoulos (NEPHELE). The panel discuccion took place in the context of 1st International Workshop on MetaOS for the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum (MECC 2024) on April 22nd 2024.

“Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Agriculture and Crisis Management: Exploring Data Spaces, Value Chains, and Practical Applications” Webinar

aerOS project took place in the “Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Agriculture and Crisis Management: Exploring Data Spaces, Value Chains, and Practical Applications” webinar by EUCloudEdgeIoT. The event provided valuable information and knowledge to navigate the evolving agriculture landscape and unlock the potential of the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum in this sector. This event was co-organised with MetaOS projects and the AgriDataSpace project. aerOS project was represented by Anna Ryabokon, TTControl & TTTech. Find out more information here:

HiPEAC conference 2024

The HiPEAC conference took place in Munich, Germany from 17 to 19 January 2024. The conference was organised by HiPEAC, a project managed by HaDEA, and it consists of parallel workshops, tutorials, special sessions, and an industry exhibition.

aerOS project was represented by Slavator Cunat who presented “Deep Learning Components”

InfoCom 2023

Spyros Georgoulas from NCSR “DEMOKRITOS” presented “aerOS Edge Cloud Continuum Meta-Operating System For Energy Efficient, Health Safe and Sustainable Smart Buildings” The presentation took place in the context of “Designing meta-Operating Systems for the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Edge-Cloud Continuum” session at InfoCom 2023.

Find the video of the event here:

6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points “6Gsec CP²”

The 6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points “6Gsec CP²” event was organised by the SNS OPS project, ECSO and Networld Europe. It took place on the 23 of January 2024 in Paris, France, hosted by PTTC (Transfer Programme at the Cyber Campus). “6Gsec CP²” brought together the Cyber and 6G communities to discuss:

  • European policies, threat landscapes and known challenges
  • Current Research and innovation agendas
  • Technical focus and collaboration perspectives

This event was a unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from both the Cyber and 6G communities to come together and share their insights on how to ensure the security of 6G networks and services. The event featured several keynote speakers, as well as panel discussions and technical sessions addressing the topics below:

  • The future of cybersecurity in the 6G era
  • Opportunities to build mutual understanding,
  • Research roadmap convergence and collaborations between the Cyber and 6G communities

Christos Xenakis from InQBit represented aerOS project at the ”Crypto-based technologies application in 6G” session.

You may learn more about the event here:

1st International Workshop on MetaOS for the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum (MECC 2024)

The 1st International Workshop on MetaOS for the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum (MECC 2024) will be co-hosted at the ACM EuroSys 2024 that will be held from April 22nd to April 25th, 2024 in Athens, Greece. The workshop aims at providing an overview of the opportunities and critical issues brought by a MetaOS orchestrating the Cloud-Edge-IoT ecosystem. Through a series of technical presentations, interactive sessions, and panel discussions, this workshop will address critical issues such as interoperability, standardization, and contribution to relevant open-source projects. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, share research findings, and collaborate on innovative solutions to advance the field of MetaOS.

Important Dates:

  • Workshop Paper Submission: February 11, 2024
  • Workshop Notification of Acceptance: February 25, 2024
  • Camera-ready Submission: March 15, 2024
  • Workshop Date: April 22, 22024

Find more information here:

aerOS at Hipeac Event 2024

The HiPEAC conference will take place in Munich, Germany from 17 to 19 January 2024.

The conference is organised by HiPEAC, a project managed by HaDEA, and it consists of parallel workshops, tutorials, special sessions, and an industry exhibition. aerOS project will be represented by UPV.

Stay Tuned for more information!

You may learn more about the event here: