As we explained during the EUCloudEdgeIoT launch event (February 8th) one of the goals of Task Force 3 (Architecture) is to develop a shared taxonomy for all European projects and initiatives in our field of expertise. The idea is that everyone uses the same words to refer to the same things, eliminating ambiguities and duplication of terminology and being as specific as possible. EUCloudEdgeIoT will process your inputs and provide the European Union with this commonly agreed taxonomy

So, this workshop gathered representatives of EU MetaOS projects to work collaboratively on the development of a common standardised taxonomy for all MetaOs European projects. The workshop held online and lasted 2 hours, on April 4th.

NGIoT Newsflash #14

The latest issue of the NGIoT Newsflash is now available! In this issue you may find all the latest details on the NGIoT related projects. You may also find information about the last NGIoT event and all the recently published papers.
You may find the Newsflash online here: https://mailchi.mp/07524a94d64f/ngiot-newsflash-mar-23?e=3383e2e9b7

aerOS minitrack in HICSS57 – Call for papers

8 April 2023
Minitrack in Cognitive Cloud Continuum Ecosystems: Theory and Practice (HICSS57 co-organised by aerOS and ASSIST-IoT projects as part of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)), Honolulu, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2024. Call for papers opens soon. Submission deadline 15 June 2023.


Cognitive Cloud Continuum Ecosystems: Theory and Practice, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2024 – part of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)), Honolulu, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2024. HICSS57 Minitrack co-organised by aerOS and ASSIST-IoT projects. More info here: https://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-57/software-technology/#cognitive-cloud-continuum-ecosystems-theory-and-practice-minitrack

Call for papers is now open. Deadline submission June 15, 2023 | 11:59 pm HST.

Cognitive Cloud is an enhanced Cloud-Fog-Edge system that is capable of sensing its environment, learning from it, and opportunistically and dynamically adapting its computational loads to the user intents. Here, the core enabling technologies, for management of resources, services and data are AI/ML techniques, which infuse the cognitive aspects into the continuum.

This minitrack intends to solicit papers that discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of Cognitive Cloud Ecosystems from a system perspective. Topics of interest include:

Architectures for the Cognitive Cloud for systems that are user-aware, self-aware and (semi-)autonomous; address the need for real-time capable solutions; and solve performance challenges, such as data streaming and
filtering near/at the edge, overcoming latency and network constraints
Service mesh networking that controls service-to-service communication across cognitive cloud ecosystem
Orchestration of (sub)systems in the Cognitive Cloud, possibly subdivided into orchestration of resources, services, and data (including zero-touch approaches)
Use of distributed AI across the Cognitive Cloud to make it intelligent
Interconnection of Cognitive Clouds with Data Spaces
Security, privacy and trust (likely, by design) in a multi-tenet de-centralized systems, possibly with no single point of governance
Interoperability across the Cognitive Cloud Ecosystems to cope with the increased complexity of vast numbers of heterogeneous devices, while supporting demands for data sharing combined with the demand for protection of privacy
Role of intelligent devices, drawing from applicable results in micro/nano/bio technologies, including resource-aware hardware/software concepts, low power processor platforms integrating computing, networking, storage and acceleration elements, new communication schemes and topologies that range from the cloud continuum towards mesh, and securing computing and communication at device level with constrained resources
Tactile/contextual Internet of Things based on human-centric sensing/actuating, augmented/virtual reality and new service capabilities such as integration with parallel and opportunistic computing capabilities, neuromorphic and contextual computing.
Energy aware systems from the perspective of systems integration for efficient deployment of services and use of resources in the Cognitive Cloud
Strategies for the deployment of hyper-distributed applications in the Cognitive Cloud from services description to dynamic reorganization of the deployment
Extreme data processing applications and Frugal AI in the cognitive cloud
Applications of Cognitive Cloud including implementation of ecosystems, pilots, lessons learned, barriers, etc.
Important Dates

Submission Deadline: June 15, 2023 | 11:59 pm HST

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August 17, 2023 | 11:59 pm HST
Deadline for Submission of Final Manuscript for Publication: September 22, 2023 | 11:59 pm HST
Deadline for at least one author to register for HICSS-57: October 1, 2023 | 11:59 pm HST
Submission instructions are available at https://hicss.hawaii.edu/authors/

Minitrack Co-Chairs

Marcin Paprzycki (Primary Contact)
Polish Academy of Sciences

Maria Ganzha
Polish Academy of Sciences

Harilaos Koumaras
Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications

Carlos Palau
Univeristat Politecnica de Valencia


The European Commission is requesting all the community members to give their ideas for the next 2025-2027 research programme.

Give your thoughts regarding:
Which challenges you had to overcome in your project?
What research priorities will lead to more successful research?
How would you define a clear research framework for the near future?
What research gaps in the current Work Programme would you like to see covered in Horizon Europe 2025-2026?
What suggestions do you have for expanding the research areas in Horizon Europe 2025-2026?
What would you like to see as support from the CSAs?

The deadline is on April 30th. You may find the survey online here: https://eucloudedgeiot.eu/call-for-expression-of-interest/

EU-IoT Final Event

The final event of EU-IoT, took place on March 30. The event was based on the achievements of EU-IoT community and the upcoming activities. EU-IoT has been a vital accelerator for the European IoT ecosystem, supporting the development of synergies, fostering strategic coordination among Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT) projects and related initiatives, and promoting the adoption of IoT solutions. As the project comes to a close in March 2023, this event provides an opportunity to reflect on the achievements and lessons learned and explore the future of IoT in Europe.
More information about the agenda, available here: https://www.ngiot.eu/event/eu-iot-final-event-from-iot-to-cloud-edge-iot-continuum-takeaways-and-transition-to-the-new-paradigm/

EU-IoT Final Event: From IoT to Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum – Takeaways and Transition to the New Paradigm

3rd International Workshop on Advances on Privacy Preserving Technologies and Solutions co-organised by aerOS project!

This workshop aims to strengthen security and privacy through research and relevant activities in the models and design of secure, privacy-preserving and trust architectures, investments in cyber-defense, data analyses, fusion platforms, protocols, algorithms, services, and applications for next generation systems and solutions. We especially encourage security and privacy solutions that employ innovative machine learning techniques to tackle the issues of inspecting large data volumes, cyberattacks, and variety problems that are systemic in IoT platforms, theoretical and practical challenges related to the design of privacy-preserving AI systems and algorithms and will have strong multidisciplinary components, including soliciting contributions about policy, legal issues, and societal impact of privacy and affect the cyber risk of the participating entities.
Call for Papers is up to May 31, 2023. The event will take place on August 29 – September 01, 2023 in Benevento.
You may find more information online here: https://www.ares-conference.eu/

aerOS Project will be present through a booth at DEFEA 2023 on May in Athens.

Metropolitan Expo is Greece’s most contemporary venue and one of the largest and most functional centres for congresses, events, exhibitions and conferences in SE Europe which has achieved Covid Shield Certification by TUV Austria. With this achievement Metropolitan Expo Centre is being safeguarded and showcased as the largest, the most advanced and the safest exhibition centre in Greece fully in compliance with the European standards and practices. Paramount consideration of Metropolitan Expo Centre administration continues to be the safety and well-being of every exhibitor, visitor and personnel alike, fortifying its functioning with the achievement of the aforementioned certification.

Metropolitan Expo exhibition centre is located at Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos” just 2km from the main terminal building and the Metro Subway station.

aerOS Newsletter #2

The second version of the aerOS newsletter is now available! In this issues you may learn all the insights about project related activities for the December 2022 to February 2023 period. You may find it online, at the aerOS website here: https://aeros-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/aerOS-newsletter-2.pdf
Do not forget to share it!

“Cloud-Native Workload Orchestration at the Edge: A Deployment Review and Future Directions” Journal Paper

The aerOS journal paper entitled “Cloud-Native Workload Orchestration at the Edge: A Deployment Review and Future Directions” was accepted in the MDPI, Sensors Journal, Volume 23, Issue 4.

Cloud-native computing principles such as virtualization and orchestration are key to transferring to the promising paradigm of edge computing. Challenges of containerization, operative models and scarce availability of established tools make a thorough review indispensable. Therefore, the authors have described the practical methods and tools found in the literature as well as in current community-led development projects, and have thoroughly exposed the future directions of the field. Container virtualization and its orchestration through Kubernetes have dominated the cloud computing domain, while major efforts have been recently recorded focused on the adaptation of these technologies to the edge. Such initiatives have addressed either the reduction of container engines and the development of specific tailored operating systems or the development of smaller K8s distributions and edge-focused adaptations (such as KubeEdge). Finally, new workload virtualization approaches, such as WebAssembly modules together with the joint orchestration of these heterogeneous workloads, seem to be the topics to pay attention to in the short to medium term.
You may find the publication online here: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/4/2215

EUCloudEdgeIoT’s – “Market and Sectors” Workshop

aerOS project participated at the EUCloudEdgeIoT’s – Task Force 5 “Market and Sectors” Workshop. It was an online workshop where all related partners presented fundamental insights about their projects. Also, at this workshop Anastasios Gogos presented the basic elements of our Athens use case