Entries by Anastasios Gogos

“Cloud-Native Workload Orchestration at the Edge: A Deployment Review and Future Directions” Journal Paper

The aerOS journal paper entitled “Cloud-Native Workload Orchestration at the Edge: A Deployment Review and Future Directions” was accepted in the MDPI, Sensors Journal, Volume 23, Issue 4. Cloud-native computing principles such as virtualization and orchestration are key to transferring to the promising paradigm of edge computing. Challenges of containerization, operative models and scarce availability […]

EUCloudEgdeIoT official launch

The official launch of the EUCloudEgdeIoT took place on 8th of February, and aerOS project was present! In this introductory meeting participants had the chance to meet the coordination team and the new Task Forces! loud and edge computing are essential technologies in a computing continuum to ensure data is managed more efficiently – closer […]

aerOS at Cordis platform

Information about the aerOS project are available in Cordis platform. In case you want to learn about our project, you may visit Cordis page. Find out more: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101069732

EuCloudEdgeIoT workshop

Ignacio Lacalle from Universitat Politècnica de València UPV and Vasilis Pitsilis from NCSR “DEMOKRITOS” attended EuCloudEdgeIoT workshop in Toulouse on January 2023! It was the first workshop on the topic: “Future European platforms for the Edge”–>”Define an Open Source stack”. You may learn more about EuCloudEdgeIoT here: https://eucloudedgeiot.eu/

aerOS project at Horizon Europe Info Day

The European Commission invites stakeholders from industry, academia and innovators to participate in the Horizon Europe Info Day on 30 January 2023. This event is an Information Session on the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024 on “World leading data and computing technologies”. The open and FREE half-day virtual event will introduce three calls under Destination […]

EUCloudEdgeIoT Open Source

Open Source Software (OSS) is already at the core of modern Cloud Computing and Big Data infrastructure and is rapidly gaining ground at all levels of the Internet of Things. From a European perspective, a solid consensus (now corroborated by systematic studies and official EC policy directions) has formed around the critical role of OSS […]

aerOS in EUCloudEdgeIoT association

aerOS is an active member of the EUCloudEdgeIoT association utilizing the resources on the edge-to-cloud computing continuum for enabling applications in an effective manner while incorporating multiple services. Data is the heart of an IoT system, and with the proliferation of IoT devices, more than 500 zettabytes of data will be generated by 2025. Edge […]

aerOS in NGIoT association

aerOS project is member of the Next Generation Internet of Things – NGIoT ecosystem. You may learn more about NGIoT organisation here: https://www.ngiot.eu/ The Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT) initiative is a growing community of projects and related initiatives at work to maximise the power of IoT made in Europe. NGIoT works to lower […]

aerOS First Newsletter

The first aerOS newsletter is now available! In this first newsletter you may find all related information about the initial period (September – November 2022) of our project! The newsletter is available on the website here: https://aeros-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/aerOS-newsletter-1.pdf