Entries by Anastasios Gogos

The research community booklet

The European Cloud, Edge & IoT Continuum (EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu) aims to realise a pathway for the understanding and development of the CEI Continuum by promoting cooperation between a wide range of research projects, developers and suppliers, business users and potential adopters of this new technological paradigm. The EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu project contributes to the coordination of a portfolio […]

Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Manufacturing: Unveiling Market Insights and Use Cases Post Webinar Report

The event explored the transformations witnessed by the manufacturing industry in recent years, providing in-depth market and industry insights for the manufacturing sector, specifically focusing on cloud-edge-IoT use cases. It also provided valuable information and knowledge to navigate the evolving manufacturing landscape and unlock this sector’s true potential of the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum. The event was […]

“Meta-operating systems projects: Key solutions, open calls and use cases” booklet

The European Cloud, Edge & IoT Continuum (EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu) aims to realise a pathway for the understanding and development of the Cloud-Edge-IoT (CEI) Continuum by promoting cooperation between a wide range of research projects, developers and suppliers, business users and potential adopters of this new technological paradigm. To achieve these goals, the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative coordinates a […]

“Capitalizing on Cloud-Edge-IoT: Building your next product, finding your next market opportunity” EuCLOUDEDGEIoT webinar

Explore the opportunities for SMEs and start-ups to contribute to advanced use cases in Cloud-Edge across automotive, energy, mobility, manufacturing and access the leading tech for your product development in this webinar dedicated to open calls and funding opportunities. Learn which opportunities exist between 75.000 and 350.000 € to position yourselves at the forefront of […]

“Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Manufacturing: Unveiling Market Insights and Use Cases” Webinar

The event was free and open to anyone interested in the cloud, edge, and IoT domains as well as related topics, including but not limited to Artificial Intelligence, Interoperability, ICT security and connectivity. Moreover, the event was particularly dedicated to manufacturing professionals, executives, and researchers interested in manufacturing and technology. More generally, the following profiles […]

Pilot 5 Video

The aerOS Pilot 5 “Infrastructure & IoT application for Smart, Energy Efficient & Health Safety Buildings” video by COSMOTE is now available! You may find it online at Aeros Project YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB8GPRL_bRQ&t=2s Do not forget to subscribe!

aerOS 2nd plenary meeting

The 2nd aerOS Project plenary meeting took place at COSMOTE premises in Athens! It was a very fruitful meeting as more than 30 partners gathered in Athens. It was a 3 days plenary meeting and the partners had the chance to discuss about the current status of the project and the upcoming plans. The partners […]

Advancing towards the Cloud, Edge, and IoT Continuum: Insights and Impacts

Advancing towards the Cloud, Edge, and IoT Continuum: Insights and Impacts” is an online event organised by UNLOCK-CEI as part of the EUCloudEdgeIoT (EUCEI) initiative. EUCEI is a collaborative effort aimed at fostering advancements in cloud, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies within the European Union. This initiative is coordinated by UNLOCK-CEI […]


aerOS project co-organises the “DEPLOYING APPLICATIONS IN THE 6G ERA: THE DAWN OF HIGHLY-SECURE, TRUSTWORTHY, SCALABLE AND ADAPTABLE ECOSYSTEMS” workshop in the context of IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks.With 5G becoming mainstream after being deployed in several regions of the world, the constant growth of interconnected […]


A new Co-organised Workshop by aerOS entitled “THE WORKSHOP ON INTELLIGENT CLOUD CONTINUUM FOR B5G SERVICES” There is Call for Papers deadline on August 20, 2023. The workshop will take place on 3 November 2023, in the context of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking!Beyond 5G (B5G) applications and services offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation […]