Entries by Admin

aerOS Newsletter (#4)

The latest aerOS Newsletter (#4) is now available! In this issue you may find all the latest information about project related activities for the June – August period. Find it online here: https://aeros-project.eu/…/2023/09/aerOS-newsletter-4.pdf

“The Autonomous” 2023 conference

At the annual “The Autonomous” conference, the TTTech team (Anna Ryabokon, Marcela Alzin, Francesca Flamigni) represented the aerOS project in the workshop “Research & Innovation in Autonomous and Connected Mobility” and displayed the aerOS rollup in the poster session.

“Capitalising on Cloud-Edge-IoT: Building your next product, finding your next market opportunity” Webinar

Ignacio Lacalle Ubeda, from Universitat Politècnica de València UPV presented aerOS Open Call during the “Capitalising on Cloud-Edge-IoT: Building your next product, finding your next market opportunity” webinar by EuCloudEdgeIoT on 20th of Semtember! This online event included information on the funding opportunities through open calls organised by the meta-OS projects, supporting over 60 actions […]

1st aerOS code camp

The inaugural aerOS code camp took place on 19-21 of September in Bilbao. The purpose of this gathering is to review the current progress of our technical activities and establish the direction for the upcoming period. Also, at this meeting partners created small teams to discuss different aspects of the project simultaneously.

aerOS Open call #1

The 1st aerOS Open call has just started! The aerOS Open Call focuses on 2 main key points: For the first round of aerOS Open Calls, a budget of 420k€ is available considering the following: Only the following type of entities will be able to submit proposals: You may find all the relevant information for […]

aerOS 1st Open Call Official Announcement

The inaugural aerOS Open Call has been officially declared and will commence on October 2nd! Within the aerOS project, a portion of the project budget has been allocated to support particular initiatives aimed at enhancing and refining IoT functionalities and CloudEdge applications, as well as fostering the growth of the EuCloudEdgeIoT community throughout Europe. We […]