Tag Archive for: EUCloudEdgeIoT

“Energy Efficient, Health Safe & Sustainable Smart Buildings” Presentation

Fotini Setaki from Cosmote presented “Energy Efficient, Health Safe & Sustainable Smart Buildings”, during “Giving Energy an Edge: Showcasing the Edge to Cloud Continuum in Energy,” event by EuCLoudEdgeIoT which took place on November 10th.

The Energy Infoday that took place on Friday 10th November, 2023, at 10:00 (CET), brought together over 100 attendees, including industry experts, innovators, researchers, developers, SMEs, start-ups and energy company stakeholders to discuss the latest trends and technologies shaping the future of energy and innovations of the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum in Energy sector. We are very thankful for every participant and want to express our special gratitude to all speakers, panellists, open calls and use case representatives for their diverse input as well as adding depth to the conversations that followed.

The Infoday kicked off by exploring the general landscape of SME innovation in the Grid Edge sector, spotlighting the EU CEI MetaOS projects. This broad view was further complimented by a presentation showcasing a panoramic view of various European project clusters working on transforming and digitising the energy sector.

After a first overview of the current state of innovation, those inputs were reflected and augmented by gathering valuable inputs on the current transition challenges on topics such as energy infrastructure, adaptability, and electrification of heat and mobility. During a panel discussion, they were critically analysed from an overarching, institutional and energy distributor perspective, which was shared as well as contrasted by the point of view of energy start-ups.

Big Data Value Forum 2023

Big Data Value Forum 2023 took place in October (25-27 October 2023) in Valencia. The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) brought together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions, and industrial and research activities in the areas of Data and AI. aerOS project was represented by Ignacio Lacalle Úbeda from Universitat Politècnica de València UPV. Our partner presented aerOS project and took part in the “The Role of Research in Advancing the Computing Continuum and Green AI Technologies” panel discussion.

“Developing a Reference Architecture for the Continuum – Concept, Taxonomy and Building Blocks”

The first results of the EUCloudEdgeIoT Task Force are now available in the “Developing a Reference Architecture for the Continuum – Concept, Taxonomy and Building Blocks” document.

You may find out more information here: https://zenodo.org/record/8403593

Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Manufacturing: Unveiling Market Insights and Use Cases Post Webinar Report

The event explored the transformations witnessed by the manufacturing industry in recent years, providing in-depth market and industry insights for the manufacturing sector, specifically focusing on cloud-edge-IoT use cases. It also provided valuable information and knowledge to navigate the evolving manufacturing landscape and unlock this sector’s true potential of the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum. The event was co-organised with the Meta Operating Systems projects of the EUCEI Community aerOS and FLUIDOS.

The event was part of the “Cloud-Edge-IoT industry innovations” webinar series, which explores the latest industry trends, discusses sector-specific service requirements, showcases real-world use case presentations, and engages in panel discussions with industry experts to shed light on the challenges and opportunities faced by companies in adopting and harnessing the full potential of these technologies. Each webinar focuses on a specific sector.

Find it online here: https://zenodo.org/record/8172125

“Meta-operating systems projects: Key solutions, open calls and use cases” booklet

The European Cloud, Edge & IoT Continuum (EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu) aims to realise a pathway for the understanding and development of the Cloud-Edge-IoT (CEI) Continuum by promoting cooperation between a wide range of research projects, developers and suppliers, business users and potential adopters of this new technological paradigm.

To achieve these goals, the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative coordinates a diverse portfolio of project clusters with different specialisations. These are:

  • Cloud Computing: towards a smart cloud computing continuum (ICT40-2020)
  • Software Technologies (ICT-50-2020)
  • Next Generation Internet of Things (ICT-56-2020)
  • Future European platforms for the Edge: Meta Operating Systems (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01-05)
  • Cognitive Cloud: AI-enabled computing continuum from Cloud to Edge (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-02)
  • Programming tools for decentralised intelligence and swarms (HORIZON-CL4-2022- DATA-01-03)
  • Open source for cloud-based services (HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-26)

This booklet focuses specifically on the MetaOS portfolio, providing insights on relevant use cases under development and open call opportunities. For more information on the wider initiative, or on other portfolios, please see our Research Community Booklet. Find it online here: https://zenodo.org/record/7941594

“Capitalizing on Cloud-Edge-IoT: Building your next product, finding your next market opportunity” EuCLOUDEDGEIoT webinar

Explore the opportunities for SMEs and start-ups to contribute to advanced use cases in Cloud-Edge across automotive, energy, mobility, manufacturing and access the leading tech for your product development in this webinar dedicated to open calls and funding opportunities. Learn which opportunities exist between 75.000 and 350.000 € to position yourselves at the forefront of tech, meet the challenge owners and source new partners to complement your teams and find out how to achieve scale from your initial participation. Organised by EU Cloud Edge IoT and Next Generation Internet, it is the point to start building the relationship to join this community. Find out more here: https://eucloudedgeiot.eu/event/webinar-capitalising-cei-open-calls/

Advancing towards the Cloud, Edge, and IoT Continuum: Insights and Impacts

Advancing towards the Cloud, Edge, and IoT Continuum: Insights and Impacts” is an online event organised by UNLOCK-CEI as part of the EUCloudEdgeIoT (EUCEI) initiative. EUCEI is a collaborative effort aimed at fostering advancements in cloud, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies within the European Union. This initiative is coordinated by UNLOCK-CEI and Open Continuum projects, respectively focused on the demand and supply sides of the computing continuum. The initiative brings together experts, industry leaders, and researchers to drive innovation and explore the potential of these emerging fields. Find out more here:  https://eucloudedgeiot.eu/event/advancing-towards-cei-continuum/

Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Manufacturing: Unveiling Market Insights and Use Cases Webinar

The “Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Manufacturing: Unveiling Market Insights and Use Cases” webinar will take place on 10th of July! It is a co-organized webinar by aerOS and FluiDOS project with the support of EUCLOUDEDGEIoT.

The manufacturing industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, driven by rapid technological advancements. From automation to artificial intelligence, emerging trends are reshaping how factories operate and revolutionising traditional manufacturing processes. One of the key drivers of this transformation is the convergence of cloud computing, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) into a seamless continuum. The CEI continuum offers unprecedented opportunities for manufacturers to optimise operations, enhance productivity, and unlock new levels of efficiency.

This UNLOCK CEI webinar, part of the EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu initiative, aims at providing in-depth market and industry insights for the manufacturing sector, with a specific focus on cloud-edge-IoT use cases.

The event will provide valuable information and knowledge to navigate the evolving manufacturing landscape and unlock the true potential of the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum in this sector.

This webinar is co-organised with Meta Operating Systems projects of the EUCEI Community.

Find out more here: https://eucloudedgeiot.eu/cloud-edge-iot-innovations-in-manufacturing-unveiling-market-insights-and-use-cases/

Concertation and Consultation Meeting of EUCLOUDEDGEIoT

Our Project Coordinator, Professor Carlos Enrique Palau from Universitat Politècnica de València UPV and Vasilis Pitsilis from NCSR “DEMOKRITOS” presented insights of our project during the Concertation and Consultation Meeting of EUCLOUDEDGEIoT in Brussels! The meeting took place on 10th & 11th of May 2023.

The blurring barriers between Cloud and Edge computing are giving birth to a computing continuum where services and data must be managed and secured efficiently. Especially with new trends like the Metaverse, the demand for (hybrid) cloud computing services and edge computing is expected to skyrocket. As recent studies suggest, new data processing needs are appearing at the edge. This not only for reducing latency but also to ensure data availability and privacy protection.  Running and managing data analytics and AI where it is more efficient and effective is to be supported in the Cloud-Edge-IOT continuum.

Advancing the IoT can avoid skyrocketing communication and storage costs, energy consumption and produce benefits for citizens and businesses thanks to the integration of AI and Machine Learning. 

In addition, an open ecosystem built around Open Source and Open Standards is key to unleashing the potential of the European industry in driving green and digital transformation while preserving EU strategic autonomy. Software defined infrastructures based on Open Source and Open Standards will support the next step in the Cloud-Edge-IOT continuum while preventing lock-in and favouring a competitive economy for the benefit of EU citizens.

These trends have called for a shift towards the technical and business convergence of the so-far formally separated Cloud, Edge and IoT domains, towards an open Cloud, Edge and IoT Computing Continuum

In the recent years, the European community of researchers and innovators at work on the next generation Cloud, Edge and IoT computing has been growing in relevance, diversity and impact. For Europe to ensure its technological sovereignty and ground the vision of a computing continuum as the backbone of an open and inclusive society, it is necessary to overcome fragmentation, bring together organisations and individuals from different communities and leverage Open Source.The Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum: From Cloud to Edge to IoT meeting is a 2-day physical event organised within the context of the European, Cloud, Edge and IoT Continuum initiative by the OpenContinuum consortium in close collaboration with the UNLOCK-CEI and SW Forum projects and guided by the  European Commission DG CNECT E.2 and E.4 Units. Find out more here: https://eucloudedgeiot.eu/concertation-and-consultation-on-computing-continuum-from-cloud-to-edge-to-iot/


As we explained during the EUCloudEdgeIoT launch event (February 8th) one of the goals of Task Force 3 (Architecture) is to develop a shared taxonomy for all European projects and initiatives in our field of expertise. The idea is that everyone uses the same words to refer to the same things, eliminating ambiguities and duplication of terminology and being as specific as possible. EUCloudEdgeIoT will process your inputs and provide the European Union with this commonly agreed taxonomy

So, this workshop gathered representatives of EU MetaOS projects to work collaboratively on the development of a common standardised taxonomy for all MetaOs European projects. The workshop held online and lasted 2 hours, on April 4th.