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3rd International Workshop on Advances on Privacy Preserving Technologies and Solutions co-organised by aerOS project!

This workshop aims to strengthen security and privacy through research and relevant activities in the models and design of secure, privacy-preserving and trust architectures, investments in cyber-defense, data analyses, fusion platforms, protocols, algorithms, services, and applications for next generation systems and solutions. We especially encourage security and privacy solutions that employ innovative machine learning techniques to tackle the issues of inspecting large data volumes, cyberattacks, and variety problems that are systemic in IoT platforms, theoretical and practical challenges related to the design of privacy-preserving AI systems and algorithms and will have strong multidisciplinary components, including soliciting contributions about policy, legal issues, and societal impact of privacy and affect the cyber risk of the participating entities.
Call for Papers is up to May 31, 2023. The event will take place on August 29 – September 01, 2023 in Benevento.
You may find more information online here: https://www.ares-conference.eu/