International Workshop on Adaptive Privacy and Security (IWAPS) 2024

The International Workshop on Adaptive Privacy and Security (IWAPS) 2024, held from July 30 to August 2, 2024, in Vienna, Austria, has concluded with great success. Organized in conjunction with the ARES Conference, IWAPS brought together leading experts, researchers, and practitioners from around the globe to address the dynamic challenges in privacy and security.

This year’s workshop featured groundbreaking presentations on adaptive approaches to cybersecurity, focusing on innovative methods to enhance privacy and security in an increasingly digital world. Topics covered ranged from adaptive threat detection to privacy-preserving technologies and the implications of AI in security systems.

IWAPS 2024 provided a unique platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange, fostering discussions that are set to influence the future of cybersecurity. Attendees praised the event for its high-quality content, engaging discussions, and opportunities for networking.

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aerOS and SAFE-6G Co-organised Workshop

aerOS and SAFE-6G projects co-organized a workshop to share their technical activities and explore upcoming opportunities for collaboration. This joint effort provided a platform for both projects to exchange valuable insights, align their goals, and identify potential synergies. The workshop fostered a collaborative environment where participants could discuss advancements, share best practices, and plan future initiatives, strengthening the partnership between the aerOS and SAFE-6G.

SUPSI’s Summer School

Walter Quadrini from Politecnico di Milano had the chance on 10th of July to present aerOS project to master’s students that visited the MADE lab. The event took place in the context of SUPSI’s Summer School on the internet of Things.


The Front Research Group of NCSRD actively engaged researchers and postgraduate students in discussions about SAFE-6G objectives and 6G experimentation during the poster session of the event.

Dr. Harilaos Koumaras, head of FRONT Research Group and Leader of Athens 6G testbed, stated: “ We had the opportunity to share SAFE-6G’s vision for 6G experimentation with young researchers and postgraduate students, who need access to 6G experimentation testbeds for performing their research. SAFE-6G, as the pan-European federated B5G/6G experimentation facility, can meet this need by offering applied testing and experimentation.”

The event, which focused on Information Technology and Telecommunications, Nanotechnology and Modern Materials, and Energy, Environment, and Safety, provided a dynamic platform for researchers and postgraduate students to exchange insights, forge new partnerships, and explore cutting-edge innovations.

INFOLYSiS, an SME partner of the project, also participated in the SAFE-6G booth, communicating the importance of B5G/6G experimentation for building innovative services and products and explaining how SAFE-6G supports this through its federated open experimentation 6G testbeds.

Both teams engaged participants in in-depth discussions, highlighting the project’s transformative potential. The vibrant roll-up banner showcased technological advancements and our commitment to advancing the fields of communication, materials science, and environmental sustainability. The SAFE-6G communication was also complemented with project materials such as leaflets and stickers.