Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Manufacturing: Unveiling Market Insights and Use Cases Webinar
The “Cloud-Edge-IoT Innovations in Manufacturing: Unveiling Market Insights and Use Cases” webinar will take place on 10th of July! It is a co-organized webinar by aerOS and FluiDOS project with the support of EUCLOUDEDGEIoT.
The manufacturing industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, driven by rapid technological advancements. From automation to artificial intelligence, emerging trends are reshaping how factories operate and revolutionising traditional manufacturing processes. One of the key drivers of this transformation is the convergence of cloud computing, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) into a seamless continuum. The CEI continuum offers unprecedented opportunities for manufacturers to optimise operations, enhance productivity, and unlock new levels of efficiency.
This UNLOCK CEI webinar, part of the initiative, aims at providing in-depth market and industry insights for the manufacturing sector, with a specific focus on cloud-edge-IoT use cases.
The event will provide valuable information and knowledge to navigate the evolving manufacturing landscape and unlock the true potential of the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum in this sector.
This webinar is co-organised with Meta Operating Systems projects of the EUCEI Community.
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