“aerOS: A Meta Operating System for the IoT-Edge-Cloud Continuum” presentation

Harilaos Koumaras from NCSR DEMOKRITOS, aerOS Technical Manager presented “aerOS: A Meta Operating System for the IoT-Edge-Cloud Continuum” during International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIOT), 2023.
The conference aim was to provide an outstanding opportunity for both academic and industrial communities to share their knowledge on new trends and challenges in emerging technologies and progress in standards on topics relevant to todays fast moving technology trends into the Internet of Things. It also provided a platform for the discussion of new results in the field of Internet of things. The Conference had different themes for each day and each theme contains different thought-provoking sessions.
Find out more here: https://www.iciot.in/?fbclid=IwAR0Xtre7IHOqKNzlzyMk9w1MQcT-mfXqovC4mTWg4M36239_DCB2zoUUouI